Saturday, April 14, 2012

Addon:Tracking non-targeted diseases and DnD?

[:1]Which addon do you guys use? I guess this could also be rephrased to 'For tracking Multi-Target AoE spells.'

The three I'm aware of that do this is Ellipsis, Raven, and a portion of the CLC addon. I'm just wondering if there's any lightweight addons specifically for this purpose or if there are others out there. I haven't had a chance to mess with Raven yet, but it appears to be somewhat similar to Power Auras Classic but with an allegedly more complicated setup process. As far as I can tell PAC cannot track diseases on all non-targeted mobs, it only allows enumerations of Target, Focus, and their targets.

CLC is a last resort option for me as the only portion I want to use from it is its DoT timers for non-targeted mobs, and I wasn't super happy with its implementation. I haven't had a chance to try Ellipsis yet but I'm hoping it does just what I need it to.

The main thing I'm looking to know is how successful my pestilence was for AoE purposes, and it would be nice to see which mobs my DnD is hitting.

Yeah I'm trying to decide whether I want to switch my tracking up. From back in my lock days, I have a familiarity with DoTimer. I don't think it's had much updating done to it in a long time, but it still works for me. I whitelist Frost Fever and Blood Plague to the main DoTimer anchor and put it on the right side of my screen. I also create a custom PlayerAuras anchor for Blood Shield, and put it under my IceHud stuff. It's a handy quick-view of whether your blood shield is up, and how long it has left. DoTimer will give you timer bars for everything you have diseases on. I enjoy spreading diseases and watching the entire strip of timer bars on the right hand side of the screen light up :-)

If anyone has a simple way to do the same thing with PA or a better addon, I'm interested too.
Tidyplates can show diseases above nameplates, I'm assuming that DnD could be included on that. It's not 100% smart, and you usually have to hover or scroll your mouse over each mob for it to detect if the spread was successful, but I don't find that too much of an issue.
Thanks, I saw some of those types mentioned but I guess what I'm looking for is one that will just parse the combat log to let me know how many mobs my debuffs have landed on, ideally in a list form so I know to keep AoEing or if I might need to reapply Pestilence. Ellipsis looks like it can do this without much other bloat, so I'm hoping this will be the one I can use. Raven is another option but I'm not sure if it's meant to replace Power Auras or compliment it.

I can try out something like TidyPlates, but even if I manage to mouseover all of the NPCs I won't have a list or quick reference to see the number infected.
Tidyplates shows diseases without your mousing over. It's pretty bad at handling DoT refreshes though, at least for my lock.
So far Raven seems to be doing what I want very well. Raven seems to complement Power Auras Classic by offering customizable timer/cast bars with similar rules to PAC. From what I've seen in Power Auras, it does a great job of adding aura effects but I don't think it can do timer bars.

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