just got h morchok so im pretty torn on which one for OH? not sure if proc from SD outweighs normal morchok weapon damage
LFR Souldrinker in OH.
Regular HoM has more strength, more stats and more weapon damage. The proc from LFR Souldrinker isn't that great and scales poorly. I'd say use your H HoM in main hand & HoM in your offhand. Souldrinker's procs is not exactly stellar. In a 5 minute fight you may see 150k if it's regular souldrinker and not LFR. So that is say an estimated 500 dps increase assuming it's a more patchwerk like fight. You can't discount the extra mastery and stats in morchok the like 43 (minimum) more strength in Regular Hand of Morchok and it's 140 more top end? It's a wash at best and in many fights that mastery would pull ahead for any fights that favor Howling Blast.
Personally I'd say use the 397 Morchok over 390 Souldrinker. But that is me.
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