Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is Frost really better than Unholy?

Well, if you can't tell by my terrible gear I haven't been on in a while. Anyhow, during an instance I make it aware to my group I'm not going to do the greatest dps (only around 15-16k boss) and the guy wouldn't stop telling me to 'go frost'. I do know that some people have been saying frost is better and now that I'm finally playing my DK again I want to know if that's actually true. I've searched the forums and I haven't really found much good information, so I'm making my own post. Is frost a better DPS spec than Unholy for DPSing raids? Is it significant? Why is one better than the other? Thanks!
In an optimal situation they're pretty even though gear and fights will vary which is better. Unholy has an advantage in some fights and frost in others. A single target fight with the right gear can put Unholy ahead. Fights with a lot of add swapping and or burst aoe will be in Frost's corner. Since more fights are about swapping and burst it tends to mean frost has the advantage more overall. So you will be told by most to be frost. But if you did manage to get your hands on Gurth from Madness of Deathwing then you'd probably want to look at being Unholy.

Either way both Unholy and Frost are very close while getting leads over each other due to things like random number generators helping one and or fight mechanics and raid strats favoring a particular spec. Also can depend on what classes and specs you're grouping with. A raid that does not have the Windfury/Icy Talons buff will also be asking you to be Frost. Also a group without Curse of Elements/Earth & Moon and other forms of the Spell Damage taken debuff may ask you to be Unholy for the greater good.

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