Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blood DK B.I.S. 4.3 Normal Mode

I am just wondering what the 4.3 BIS consists of.

More though, what valor gear should I pick up because there aren't any better raid drops?

Do you guys agree with my assessment?

Weapon: Experimental Specimen Slicer
Relic: Stoutheart Talisman
Neck: Guardspike Choker
Wrist: Graveheart Bracers
Waist: Forgesmelter Waistplate
Back: Indefatigable Greatcloak
Feet: Stillheart Warboots
Fingers: Hardheart Ring
Signet of the Resolute
(possibly ring of torn flesh?)
Trinkets: Soulshifter Vortex
Fire of the Deep
Head, Shoulders, Chest, Hands, and Legs: Tier Gear
Which would mean I should buy the valor necklace, belt, cloak, ring, relic, and trinket. AMIRITE?
Trinkets can be ambiguous, because different people prefer different trinkets (usually depending upon personal and healer input). However, fire of the deep sounds OP. Everything else I agree with.
fire of the deep is definately OP, probably the first thing im going to get, a real upgrade.
I kinda thought the shoulders that dropped of the first boss in ds would be better than our tier shoulders.

Hit and expertise, while not bad, have become nothing more than pure dps stats to us.The hot-fix to Aggro awhile back made it so we don't really need hit or expertise to hold Aggro at all. And after 4.3's change to ds, it no longer effects our survivability in any way.

Two pieces in our tier have hit or expertise: the shoulders and the gloves.Fortunately, we don't need both to complete our tier bonuses. Since there is no tanking gloves without either hit or expertise, it makes sense to go with the aforementioned shoulders that do have pure tank stats and complete our 4p bonus with the gloves. Maybe, until you have all the other tier pieces, the tier shoulders will be better, but it should be pretty simple to complete these bonuses with the lfr dropping the tier aswell.
trust me that aggro is still an issue we have to worry about with the numbers dps put out right now. the air ship, spine, hagara, all require snap aggro. and we may not need expertise or hit but other tanks still have some, and that means theyll be single tanking bosses if were cant keep threat

also due to lack of mastery, if mastery build is the route you go, the offset piece, which is not even a huge concern, is the head as neither piece looks tasteful for us. sure the expertise is dull but the lack of mastery just does not work for the DS offset

now if you are in fact a mitigation kinda guy, tossing out those shoulder for the offset piece may just be what you should do, gloves also lack mitigation stats outside of mastery and are also another option here
Trinket: Soulshifter Vortex

neck; Firebound GorgetFirebound Gorget (391)
- it might have a little less stam but the mastery makes up for any stam loss by a mile.

Cape: [Dreadfire D@**#] 391 as well. less stam and has agi but the difference in mastery is insane.

other than that looks good.

ps; this is imo. some people may like the higher ilvl over the stam but if you do the maths they work out a bit better.
Maximizing mastery at the expense of anything else is not the best gearing strategy. Just because something isn't your best stat doesn't mean you should avoid it entirely.
My intent tier-wise is Head, chest, legs, hands. Hands and shoulders both have threat stats we don't need, and there aren't any real alternatives for the gloves, so I'm going for the aforementioned shoulders off the first boss (they dropped last night, and of course I was late to the raid and missed the first boss).

And like Euliat said, hoarding mastery for the sake of it isn't necessarily (or even likely) the best choice. Avoidance and mastery are both good; as long as the majority of your pieces have mastery as a base stat, you'll be fine.
gogo #1 google seach for bis blood dk 4.3, Ill update for my newer thoughts on BIS, the blacksmithing bracers are really insane
for wrist...

and cape
lower ilvl but got dodge and mastery

and cape
lower ilvl but got dodge and mastery

I would of with the ice ward cape off the first boss in hour of twilight. Though i really need to look What the stats would be on the valor cloak after Reforging away that dps stat again.
has anyone looked into Master Pit Fighter and a trinket at all
Trinkets are situational, you will find yourself switching out trinkets for different fights. Saying that, my standard setup is Fire of the Deep and Soulshifter Vortex. I think I carry every tank trinket from 4.2 onwards in my bags, the flexibility is nice.

Above posts about tier 4pc and shoulders are also correct. I have both pieces and switch them out for more mastery or avoidance, depending on the fight.

Currently working on H Blackhorn and I'm liking my mastery setup with the two trinkets noted above,
has anyone looked into Master Pit Fighter and a trinket at all

Not really that great. It's a weaker version of SSV.

and cape
lower ilvl but got dodge and mastery
I would of with the ice ward cape off the first boss in hour of twilight. Though i really need to look What the stats would be on the valor cloak after Reforging away that dps stat again.

Nope nope nope. The Parry/Exp cape has more mastery when you reforge and put in a Mastery gem.

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