I have Heroic Bone-Link Fetish, Heroic Creche, and regular Eye of Unmaking. For frost is it better to use both heroic trinkets until Heroic Eye of Unmaking drops? As of now I am only dpsing Heroic Hagara/Ultraxion(sometimes)/Blackhorn, not sure if that sways it in any direction. All input is appreciated. The reason that I'm curious, is because Eye of Unmaking has a bit of ramp-up time, and can drop... during Heroic Blackhorn I notice from my tellmewhen that my Eye of Unmaking stacks fall off rather often, and I am forced to ob/fs rather than howling blast cleave at times. Thanks for input.
Regular eye and H bone-link imo. Crit is a frost DK's worst stat and stacking that over pure strength doesn't seem like it would be a viable option. And for the falling off issue, most of your dps comes from instant attacks so, your stacks will build up relatively fast for when the next add spawns.
Bah gemme the BLF: Eye and BLF on everything only on H ultrax you should consider H Creche
You should be able to keep eye up near the entire fight on H Black and when it does drop the ramp up is rather quick
But you're in Silly Hats Only, Teeptrip, maybe you're trying to guide me improperly to keep your progression ahead of my guild... *ponders*
Also may i add with the BLF and eye there are no wasted "procs". If the creche procs right before the add dies it's wasted. Losing the eye stacks is nowhere as bad as wasting a proc (that has your worst stat) with a huge ICD of ~100 seconds. Also since there is more than one add there may be a chance your BLF hits them.
I chose to go with a masterfrost build and used EoU and BLF. Worked like a charm. I reforged out of expertise as much as possible, and into master as much as possible. Ended up with about 2620 mastery rating and mary mother of a carpenter it went rather well. 38k dps on the kill, I'm satisfied :)
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