Monday, April 16, 2012

Your button layout w/ Razer Naga?

So, heres the deal.. I've been pvp'ing for a while now, and had clicked for years (Yes, im aware its for noobs, gtfo trolls) so I bought the Naga, anyone here got a good button layout specifically for dk's using the Naga. Perhaps a screenshot of your UI, cus atm im clueless, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Razer Naga is more about replacing your number pad. So really it's not much for making a layout for. It fills your default bar. You could work to map more to it. But it's basically the number pad for your thumb so your hand never has to leave the mouse and your other fingers can stay nearer to wasd.
There isn't really a good way to take what your used to (clicking) and turning into familiarity with the thumb pad on the Naga. The best way is to just set up something that makes sense to you (I like the most used moves on 123, then 456 ect) and just get used to it. It will take some time, but I find it's worth it. I love my naga and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Here is my ui and how i set it up around the naga (using the razer addon):

I made all four columns to be 3x4, so they line up with the naga pad. pressing alt or shift goes to a different column (except the last one. thats just random stuff i dont need to press mid fight)

I have it so that a thumb button by itself is an ability that i use often, alt+thumb button are my cooldowns, and shift+thumb button is cooldowns i couldn't fit on the alt column or just stuff dont use often but still want bound to my bars (army, recount toggle, chains, ect.). I found this to be the way i like my naga setup, but you might like it set up differently. Make a setup and try it out in a few 5 mans or spend a few minutes on a training dummy and just mess around with it till you feel like you could get used to that setup.

Again, it might take a day or two to get used to the change, so dont give up on a setup if it doesnt scream familiarity right away.
Alright, since I dont use bartender I decided my main bar will be main attacks (1-12), then right top bar is cc's, useful spells, etc. (shift 1-12) and left top bar is mostly all my cds and what not (ctrl 1-12)

Thanks a bunch for the help, starting tog et used to it. Just really rough in bg's trying to stay on people. Though i'm sure it'll get better.
With my Naga, it took me a few weeks to decide on how i wanted to use it. My final decision on how i use it goes as follows:

Naga set to "123"
Mainbar: 1-12
LeftAction: s1-s12
RightAction: QERFZC, sQ, sE, sR

When i bought my Naga i was just starting to keybind. This is just what i play like now.

Don't worry about being a clicker. That's how 80% of people start, i started as one as well. I tried keybindings so many times, i just could never grasp it. I finally started forcing myself to get used to it, but a few keys at a time. Basically just use baby steps and soon enough you'll find yourself keybinding every important or semi-important ability.

I myself couldn't play an MMO without my Naga. If it dies, i'll have to buy another one.

When I was in the process of moving I had to play for a day or so without my Naga mouse. I so missed it. It's one of those things where it took a little to adjust to but after that it's a life saver. I even use it even when I'm using the Calculator on the computer.
On a side note, the naga makes playing a pure mage in skyrim SUPER easy.
I don't have a naga but if I did, I'd just use it for modifiers.

Button 1- Alt
Gives you Alt+1-5, Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F
Button 2- Shift
Gives you Ctrl+1-5, Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F
Button 3- Ctrl
Gives you Ctrl+1-5, Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F

That should be plenty of buttons.
I play every type of game with it. I wouldn't use any other mouse. Helps a ton in FPS' and DOTA type games (LoL, HoN, Dota2). When Razer put out the Naga Hex, i kind of chuckled.
So, heres the deal.. I've been pvp'ing for a while now, and had clicked for years (Yes, im aware its for noobs, gtfo trolls) so I bought the Naga, anyone here got a good button layout specifically for dk's using the Naga. Perhaps a screenshot of your UI, cus atm im clueless, any help would be greatly appreciated.


how is it for noobs? before I got my razer naga I was a clicker and out dps/tanked anyone that had key bindings... clicking just makes it's harder
I don't PvP that often, but I generally find it better to bind anything that you would want to use while moving to your mouse. So, rotational abilities are on my mouse. Cooldowns are on my keys.
I just got my naga a few weeks ago so I'm still getting used to it. I mostly use it for focus macros since that was my inspiration behind buying it. I haven't even used the bottom 6 keys yet, but once I get more accustomed to having a mini keyboard on my mouse I will.

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