Monday, April 16, 2012


Having a hard time keeping them in range. I grip their Disengage, and chains as much as possible, but I just can't seem to keep on top of them.

I pvp as 2hand Frost.
I generally kill hunters as either frost or unholy without ever entering melee range more than for a global or two. They're going to kite you, thats inevitable.

HB spam + toss out deathcoils for more dmg and RE procs. Use lichborne effectively for healing. If unable to HB, DS the pet for hp. when rooted use HC on the pet to alleviate damage & fill otherwise open GCD. DND to expend unholy runes if unable to get in melee range(should keep 1 off CD though so you can HB more)

An equally skilled hunter should win in a duel environment though, especially if BM, simply because they get to start with that 35 yard gap, and we have no pillar coverage.

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