Wednesday, April 18, 2012

max dps in blood

so, got sick of and bored of sitting in queue, thought I would start working on my OS (blood)

getting so many mixed recommendations on my tree build and reforging. mrrobot is specking me for mastery, but I want to work on a heavy defense, but also good DPS.

have looked a little online for some sample blood trees with DPS in mind, any suggestions?
a few times, I've done dungeons and seen DKs tank and STILL hitting solid 30-35k, at the time I didn't pay close enough attention or note their trees, but did see a lot of mastery gems on their gear...
I got sick of sitting in DPS ques so i que as Tank with full PvP gear. I get no complaints and
a free Satchel every dungeon. I think I hit around 26-30k dps in PvP gear so just
using any type of PvE gear should put you close to what you're aiming for.
what about tree layout?
You COULD copy mine, I mean as long as you have all the necessary talents then it doesnt
matter where you put the rest. Things like IBF, Blood worms, Improved Blood presence
all that stuff. Mainly preference. Avoid the PvP talents, like Hand of Doom. You
Could probably just dump ALL your points into blood spec if you wanted.

tl'dr: I'd say copy mine, but take the points out of Hand of Doom,Icy Reach. Then put those
three points in Epidemic. Just my opinion though.

Hit the back button once....
Scroll up...
Click on the DK tanking post that has been sticky'ed!

Also, I'd like to point out that master is the main stat in blood. If your looking for a non cookie cutter blood spec, your going to have to start experimenting (thinking for yourself)

I have a question about the common DK tank spec, I see almost all Blood tanks taking “Lichborn”
Is this really that useful in the current endgame content? I can see putting the points in the extra runic power but that only amounts to one extra rune strike if you were sitting on a full RP bar. Is there a fight on heroic where fear or charm are an issue? I put my points in more damage orientated areas. And can’t recall where a few extra yards on icy touch (witch I have only used if for some reason outbreak misses) . on fights like H Yor’saj (10-man) I think the extra damage on the adds is far more useful.
Lichborne is a survival talent for tanks - you pop it so you can death coil heal yourself.
i used to be all about mastery, now i'm loving avoidance with dodge/parry. our healers say i'm much easier to heal this way. i know we're not a very progression minded guild but we make do.

i find litchborne/selfcoil healing myself to be one of those things where it's better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it, and anything i could gain by giving it up, like abom might, we have other people bringing to the table. for most encounters i rarely need to use it once we actually get a specific fight down, but it's great to be able to heal myself to full when the healers are strugglin.

i don't know anything about heroic modes though, i r casual raider...

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