Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Frost DK PVP self-healing?

Is the only thing we can use to heal ourselves when fighting Raise Dead + Death Pact or would we use like death strike in certain situations? Or is there a move that i should be using to heal that i just don't know I am supposed to use?
Lichborne and spam Deathcoils on your self. It's easiest just to make a macro and spam it with full runic power.
can u tell me the macro command?
Nvm i found it thx for the help, if any1 else wants to know the macro here it is:

/cast Lichborne
/target player
/cast Death Coil
There is alot better macro then that jumble Blackjai.

The correct one is..

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne
/cast [@player] Death Coil
A minor detail:

/cast !Lichborne
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

You want that "!" before Lichborne so that if Lichborne is already up, it won't try to cast it again, causing an error. I'm not positive if it's crucial or not, but it's never failed me.

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