Thursday, April 12, 2012

Seafood feast giving dodge, not mastary.

[:1]For other tanks this is fine but for DK's the general consensus is the more mastery the better. Not that big of deal, just a little annoyance that i am going to have to make my own food and not be able to eat the feast when i start tanking normal DS on this toon.
It doesn't give mastery to any tank.

Mastery isn't tremendously better than avoidance, either, so it's not like it's an extreme issue.
One is free to you if others are setting up the feasts. The other just requires a little fishing on your own to cook or asking someone else to cook for you. Takes me a lot longer to get the mats for feasts than for my own use. So if you have the time fish up some lavascale for your food and then just use the feasts others drop when that supply runs out. Or just use the feasts. Regardless it's not the end of the world.
I would be happy with more hush puppies..... like at Long John Silvers.

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