[:1]Hi i have been having alot of trouble with my dps lately and i find myself in last place or second to last place in almost all fights exempting the tanks and healers of course. I am not masterfrost though i have noticed i have alot of mastery that results just from me reforging my crit to hit and expertise to reach my caps. i am DW using two hand or morchok heroic. Yes i dps in unholy presence and i tie my cool downs together popping icebound and my syn spring tinker together, i also pre pot a golemblood potion so i can use two for the fight. I try not to waste any resources at all prioritizing obliterates over frost strike if my RP is not capped and casting HB when ever it procs. My diseases i keep up all the time, though i do notice some times in fights i will have a few 2-3 second intervals where i have no abilities as all my runes are on cool down and i dont have enough RP to cast frost strike. i recently swapped out my boots from warlord for the valor ones until the heroic version drops just to try and acquire more haste. Some fights my specific roll like spine and warmaster(i have to hunt the sapper down dg him/ slow him) can be attributed to my low dps but what is really bugging me is my dps in ultraxion, warlord, and madness.
spec 5/31/5
my stats are as followed
Haste 2111
Master 18.29
Crit 6.77%
Hit 8.02%
Exp 26/26
yes i know im a troll dk but i have been since wrath and i do not want to change to orc or goblin i like being a troll and with my dk as my main i am attached to it enough i do not want to charge its race.
i have also linked my world of logs
The lower dps on madness for the entire group is mostly due to the fact that we kill death wing from right to left so we lose the dps buff after the first appendage goes down.
Can anyone tell me if i am doing something wrong to be getting the numbers i am getting? Me and a few other group members feels i should be in second or third for most fights due to me being one of the most gear with only our ele shaman and rogue being more geared.
Thank you for your time any help will be greatly appreciated.
Deleted by Tividar
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